Do you need a tailored plan to grow your wellness business?

Your Business Breakthrough is a 1:1 container of business consulting and coaching that gives you a high touch, high accountability experience to transform your current obstacles into opportunities using proven strategies to empower you and unlock your desired business results.

Intake criteria applies. Complete the form below for an intake call.

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Hi! I'm Supriya.

I’m a former wellness business owner turned business mentor & marketing coach to wellness entrepreneurs just like you.

I’ll show you how to step into your power and build a business aligned to your individual need so you can start showing up fully for your clients, family and self without overwhelm and fatigue. I can help you become an action taker and a leader that does what is required to make her dreams a reality on her own terms.

My programs are designed for you to craft a personalized vision for your business and life and to then step by step take the action necessary to make the goals a reality with the steps, guidance, mentorship and support you need.

To make progress fast apply for a risk-free business coaching session so you that you can learn how to make the changes required to build your life and business aligned to your needs.

Not sure where to start?

Want to learn what the next steps are for you? Book in a free Strategy Session to find out.


Joanne Fabri

Instructor / Business Owner

"Throughout my journey underlying beliefs of self-doubt and procrastination arose which Supriya very gently, directly and respectfully bought out of the shadow into the light."


Jessica E.

Public Servant

"I highly recommend Supriya as a coach to anyone who needs a hand to look deeply into themselves and at the same time gain practical skills to get what they really want. Money really couldn't buy the difference that Supriya made to the last three months of my life - she's highly knowledgeable, honest, caring, compassionate, and truly the right person for her job."


Amanda Price

SME - Change & Comms

"In receiving Coaching from Supriya, she was incredibly skilled at getting me out of my head and moving me into my heart space, and then asking me great questions, and guiding me through a range of exercises and visualisations to cut to the core of anything causing a barrier for me, helping me get clear on what I want and building my confidence and resources to move me forward. My self confidence, clarity on the future I am working toward and progress toward my goals have all improved ten fold since working with Supriya. Can not recommend her more highly"


Rowena Roque del Castillo

SME- Superannuation Insurance

"Having this focused time with Supriya enabled me to celebrate my wins, realise that my uniqueness is my blessing, and identify areas for improvement, all done with kindness and grace! Receiving professional coaching from Supriya provides us the gift of clarity while we manage our busy day-to-day lives, and reminds us that we always have the option to make choices, both big and small, that allow our future selves come into form."

free resource!

Do this 5 minute self-assessment exercise to start with deeper clarity!

©2023 – Supriya Roy | All Right Reserved

©2023 – Supriya Roy | All Right Reserved